Town centre, Farnham

Community test pitting in 2016 and 2017, directed by A Sassin and D Graham of SyAS. A total of fourteen 1m2 test pits excavated at Farnham Park, 5 Castle Street, the Windsor Almshouses, St Andrew’s Rectory on Upper Church Lane, the Old Vicarage and Coxbridge Farm revealed post-medieval and modern disturbance at the majority of the locations. Post-18th century finds were recovered from all locations but probable 12th–13th century contexts were recorded at the three sites within the known medieval town core (St Andrew’s Rectory, the Windsor Almshouses and 5 Castle Street). Although the nature of the medieval contexts could not be determined, the test pits at 5 Castle Street and the almshouses in particular suggest occupation levels. The almshouses are a known kiln production site, attributed a 13th–14th century date, but a redeposited clay layer, revealed in the 2016 pit, produced 11th and 12th century material including a large, expanded, flat cooking-pot rim of Saxo-Norman chalky ware.