A watching brief by GMVEU during alterations to the building recorded a brick-lined well or pit of probably 18th century date built into a cupboard in the cellar. (292)
A watching brief by GMVEU on alterations to the building noted earlier foundations, probably associated with the timber yard known to have been sited here in the 19th century. (292)
Report by M Alexander of research on this wood that revealed it was earlier known as ‘Colt’s Lodge Coppice’, suggesting it may be the site of one of the lodges to Guildford Park. (298)
A watching brief by the GMVEU recorded evidence for chalk walling in the cellar, including parts of a possible corbel, steps leading to a filled in doorway and another blocked opening with recessed stone edgings. (300)
A watching brief by the GMVEU recorded evidence for chalk walling in the cellar. Trial excavation revealed an earlier brick floor in the cellar; finds included red ware of 14th-15th century date, White and Red Border wares of 17th and 18th century date and tin-glazes ware of 18th century date. (300)
A watching brief by the GMVEU recorded earlier chalk block walls beneath the standing building. Pottery recovered from the site dates from the 12th-13th century, with some scratched ware sherds of the 11th century also being recovered. (300)
The GMVEU recorded chalk walling in the cellar, which appears to be of great thickness. It is suggested that this could be the remains of a corner tower to the castle. (300)