Guildford Museum Excavation Unit

Hog's Back

Location of Armada beacon suggested by M J Alexander in contrast to location proposed in SyAC 78, 1987, 103-8 by F Kitchen. (231). Supported by G Robinson. (232)

16 Tunsgate, Guildford

Observation of redevelopment and salvage excavation by J Boas for Guildford Museum recorded a general scatter of post-medieval pottery and two features cut into the natural chalk. The first was a large irregular pit constructed of rough chalk blocks, thought likely to be a cess pit in the stable area of the Three Tuns Inn. It contained a large amount of material dated to 1690-1720, including many more or less complete vessels and a great number of high class goblets. The second feature was a well which contained a large group of medieval pottery provisionally dated 1175-1250. (258).

17 Tunsgate, Guildford

Several features identified by GMVEU during building works, including four pits and a ditch containing 12th to 13th century pottery; a mid-13th century well; a 17th century brick-lined kiln and other evidence for industrial activity; 18th and 19th century pits. (282)


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