Land at Cherkley Court, near Leatherhead

Evaluation and excavation by I Hogg of ASE following evaluation and a geophysical survey undertaken by WA in 2011 and 2012. Intense activity in the Late Bronze Age was recorded in two isolated pockets of the site. The corner of a rectilinear enclosure was recorded close to an area of pitting, probably the remains of quarrying and grain storage, although the main focus of the Bronze Age activity was in the east of the site where 147 postholes provided evidence for seven or eight post-built structures. Some of the pits and postholes may be related to above-ground grain storage and processing, but the majority of the postholes formed four concentric semi-circles around two central pits, with no postholes on the eastern side of the structure. It is possible that the open-sided structure had funerary or ritual functions, perhaps associated with the three barrows located nearby. Possible boundary ditches were also revealed. Iron Age activity, although less intensive, appeared to respect much of the Bronze Age landscape, with similarly aligned features and a continuation of pitting in some areas. The alignment of Stane Street, which crosses the site, frequently mirrored the alignment of prehistoric activity as a whole, suggesting that the road may follow the line of an older, prehistoric, trackway. Given the proximity to Stane Street, there was surprisingly little evidence for activity during the Roman period, with only a few sherds of pottery retrieved from a colluvial deposit. Post-medieval and modern activity was limited to 19th or 20th century field boundaries and post-war made-ground.