Roman Studies Group

Excavation at Abinger Roman villa June-July 2016


The Roman Studies Group is organising another season of excavation at Abinger Roman villa. Work will concentrate in the field adjacent to the villa which has revealed evidence for extensive Iron Age activity.  

Dates will be as follows:13-15th June, 18-22nd June, 25-29th June, 4-6th July, 9-12th July. Priority will be given to SyAS members but non-members are welcome.

Talk by Dr. Sam Moorhead: ‘’Roman Coin Finds in Surrey and the South-East: the contribution of the Portable Antiquities Scheme’


Dr. Sam Moorhead taught Classics and Archaeology for many years before joining the British Museum in 1997 as Staff Lecturer for Archaeology. He is finds Adviser for Iron Age and Roman coins and oversees the recording and researching of Iron Age and Roman coins on the Portable Antiquities Scheme database. Amongst his publications is A History of Roman coinage in Britain: Illustrated by finds recorded with the Portable antiquities Scheme published 2013 which is available in the SyAS library.

Overview of the Church Meadow Project (Ewell) 2012-14


The Church Meadow Project is an independent project which is supported by Surrey Archaeological Society. Three seasons of excavation took place between 2012 and 2014 in an area towards the north-east extent of the Roman settlement in Ewell. Many RSG members took part in the excavations and this is an opportunity to discuss what was found and hear how the excavation relates to others in the vicinity.

AGM and talk by Professor John Hines: The coming of the Saxons to Surrey - older and newer perspectives

Professor John Hines should be well known to Surrey archaeologists for his paper SūÞre-gē – the foundations of Surrey’ in Aspects of archaeology and history in Surrey: towards a research framework for the county (2004), and for publication of the Tadworth cemetery.


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