
A Lecture

SIHG Talk: The wartime canal volunteers who called themselves ‘Idle Women’ (Zoom) by Alastair Clark


The work women of the Land Army in World War 2 is well known.  This talk tells the story of the less well-known women who volunteered in the 1940s to keep traffic flowing on Britain’s canals. However they may have referred to themselves, they were far form “idle women”.

SIHG Talk: Salt of the Earth: the salt industry of the Adur valley (Zoom) by Janet Pennington


This talk uncovers a lost industry of the Adur valley – the making of salt. Salt is something we probably all take for granted, sprinkling it on our roast potatoes or adding it to our salads. Or even, perhaps, trying to eat less of it nowadays.

SIHG Talk: "It's All a Bit Heath Robinson - Re-inventing the First World War" (Zoom) by Lucinda Gosling


The First World War inspired Heath Robinson to dream up a series of increasingly outlandish and bizarre military inventions with which the opposing armies would try to outwit each other. From the kaiser’s campaigning car or a suggestion for an armoured bayonet curler, to post-war ‘unbullying’ of beef, his cartoons are a fantastically absurd take on wartime technology and home-front life.

“The 1940 defences between Guildford & Dorking'” by Paul Ferris (DLHG Zoom)


Full title "The Last Line: The 1940 anti-invasion defences between Guildford & Dorking'”. A Dorking Local History Group event which SIHG are promoting. See www.dlhg.org.uk for more on Dorking Local History Group

Archaeologist Paul  (from SYAS) will give us an archaeological evaluation of the 1940 anti-invasion defences between Guildford and Dorking.

Barnes Wallis’s Civilian & Military Inventions - a talk by Peter Hoar (DLHG event)


Talk by Peter Hoar of the Barnes Wallis Foundation
Effingham resident Barnes Wallis is best known for inventing the bouncing bomb used by the RAF’s “Dambusters” but many of his inventions were in civilian aircraft & communications technology. Come along and hear more. 

Doors 7PM, talk starts 7:30. £2 for non-members. Tea and biscuits available.

A Dorking Local History Group event promoted by SIHG. More at www.dlhg.org.uk


LiDAR in Surrey: its uses in archaeology by Anne Sassin (Zoom talk for DLHG))


Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) is revolutionising archaeology and is making big contributions in other fields. Anne will explain what LIDAR is and its impact on Surrey archaeology. 

Free, but you need to register at: 


A Dorking Local History Group event which SIHG are promoting. See www.dlhg.org.uk for more on Dorking Local History Group

Medieval Studies Lecture and AGM (via Zoom) - Dr Gabor Thomas on 'Anglo-Saxon monasteries of the Middle Thames: New Archaeological Perspectives from Cookham, Berkshire'


On Thursday 16 November at 18:00, the MSF will be hosting their annual lecture online via Zoom.

This year’s talk will be by Dr Gabor Thomas of the University of Reading, who will be speaking on ‘Anglo-Saxon monasteries of the Middle Thames: New Archaeological Perspectives from Cookham, Berkshire’. Dr Thomas has been leading excavations at Cookham, close to the parish church and the river which has been producing new insights into the Middle Saxon period.  


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