
A Lecture

Gorham's Cave, Gibralter


ICOMOS-UK hold an annual Christmas Lecture each year in December, bringing together our membership and others interested in cultural heritage for a festive evening of wine, mince pies and a talk from an expert speaker. This year, they are pleased to be celebrating the 2016 inscription of the UK’s latest World Heritage Site, Gorham’s Cave Complex, the Neanderthal cave site in Gibraltar, with a talk from Professor Clive Finlayson, Director of the Gibraltar Museum and of Gorham’s Cave Complex.


Talk by Emma Corke: excavation at Cocks Farm Abinger 2016


Emma Corke, site director of the field excavations at Cocks Farm, Abinger will be talking to us about the latest season of excavation . Magnetometry carried out by the Roman Studies Group showed a mass of features on the hill above the Roman villa site, and excavation has revealed both prehistoric and Roman activity.


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