
Henley Wood

Pottery from the medieval earthwork has now been deposited at the East Surrey Museum. Lesley Ketteringham reports that study of some of the pottery by Southampton University shows it to be earlier than the known building within the enclosure (c 1150-1350); a 6th/7th century date is suggested. (182)

Slines Oaks

Excavation by M Russell for the Bourne Society on a site located by R Williams in fieldwork. The probable Mesolithic ground surface was identified, and c 6000 pieces of flint were recovered.

Castle Hill, Godstone

Small-scale excavation by M G O’Connell and R J Poulton for SCC to test the section of buried ditch most likely to be disturbed by roadworks. The ditch was located but no dating evidence to aid interpretation of the enigmatic earthwork was recovered.


Over 70 sherds of Beaker pottery, including both fine and coarse wares, recovered by M Russell. They probably represent occupation activity. (179)

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation of part of the earthwork known as Little Pickle by R J Poulton for SCC and British Industrial Sand Ltd, in advance of sand extraction, revealed that the bank and ditch of this rectangular earthwork were probably constructed in the late 15th century. Large quantities of roof tile from trenches within the earthwork suggest the presence of buildings there. Outside the earthwork, some 50m to the south, building foundations were discovered.


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