
Granary Cottage, Kings Cross Lane, Nutfield

Evaluation of 18th century (with a later 18th century extension and 20th century domestic additions) granary by M Higgins of SCC as part of procedure for listed building consent. The timber-frame granary was two storey, above an originally open-sided cartshed, initially three-bay and later extended to four bays. The original location of the central first floor doorway was identified from the wall and floor framing.

Fields to the north, east and south-east of Mercer’s Farm, Nutfield

Geophysical survey by J Adcock of GSB revealed a series of linear anomalies forming what appear to be small enclosures at the edge of a spread of strong responses that suggest the presence of fired materials or ferrous-rich deposits, anomalies interpreted as former field boundaries, and numerous linear trends deemed to be of agricultural origin. Little was detected in the region of the Mesolithic/Neolithic/Bronze Age flint scatter identified by TVAS during fieldwalking in 2010, although the typical ephemeral nature of pre-Bronze Age sites may explain the reason for this.

Lingfield Park Squash Club, Racecourse Road, Lingfield

Evaluation by S Wallis of TVAS revealed over twenty deep rectangular tanks. Historic maps illustrate that the site was formerly occupied by a 19th century tannery, and the tanks were almost certainly once part of this complex. Many were timber lined, and all appeared to have been deliberately backfilled prior to the demolition of the tannery buildings in the early 20th century. No artefacts or deposits pre-dating the 19th century were identified.


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