
Home Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU of Phase 5 (and parts of 6A and 9) of this mineral extraction site, for Greenham Construction Materials Ltd, revealed a number of features of prehistoric date. Subsequent area excavation (centred TQ 062 686) revealed a number of small pits and post holes and a substantial waterlogged pit -believed to be a waterhole, all likely to be of Bronze Age date. Two ditches found running roughly parallel to one another, six metres apart, could be the remains of a contemporaneous trackway. (311, 314)

Worple Road, Laleham

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU, for Berkeley Homes (Thames Valley) Ltd, of a site for residential development in the vicinity of a known cropmark site. No features or finds of archaeological interest were found; the site had previously been disturbed. (314)

Fairylands Caravan Park, Laleham

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by R Taylor-Wilson of PCA, for Crest Homes, of this redevelopment site adjacent to the Thames. Struck flints recovered indicate Later Neolithic and Bronze Age settlement in the near vicinity, with some indication of Later Mesolithic or Early Neolithic activity as well. The site was most extensively occupied in the Later Iron Age, when a settlement, probably a small farmstead, was established, the main focus of which was outside the excavated area. The main features excavated were a series of enclosure ditches and numerous pits and postholes.

Penton Hook, Laleham

A watching brief by OAU on trial pits excavated by the Environment Agency on the site of a proposed new wetland habitat, revealed silts and clays over natural gravel. These silts and clays, which presumably represent inundation’s by the river, were sealed by modern dredgings. A subsequent watching brief by OAU on the excavation of trial pits on the site of a proposed fish spawning channel, also for the Environment Agency, revealed a similar sequence of deposits.

Staines Road Farm, Shepperton

A watching brief was carried out by M Dover of SCAU, for Henry Streeter (Sand and Ballast) Ltd, on continuing works at this mineral extraction site. No archaeological features were observed, but a number of unstratified struck flints were recovered, suggesting a possible broad area of prehistoric occupation in the south-eastern corner of the site.


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