
Matthew Arnold School, near Staines

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by G Hayman of SCAU for SCC’s Resources Dept. Ditches or gullies forming a D-shaped enclosure were identified, within which were a number of postholes and stakeholes and a hearth. Most of the features produced late 12th or early 13th century pottery. It seems likely that the enclosure is related to the nearby earthwork known as Caesar’s Camp which has been interpreted as a medieval stock enclosure. (293; see report in SyAC 94, 1-52)

18–32 London Road, Staines

Evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU for Conoco Ltd of the site of a proposed petrol filling station. Ancient soil horizons were found beneath modern levels, containing prehistoric, Roman and medieval material, indicating activity of all these periods in the vicinity. Several features were also recorded: a ditch of late 3rd to 4th century date; a ditch of late 13th century date; an undated ditch of some antiquity. No further features were noted during a subsequent watching brief on the redevelopment.

Site of former County Junior School, Kingston Road, Staines

Evaluation by P Jones of SCAU for the Metropolitan Police’s Property Services Department, in advance of the construction of a new police station. The site lies outside the known Roman town at Staines. The evaluation revealed several small ditches, none of which could be securely dated. Of greater interest were the number of flint pot-boilers recovered from the brickearth deposits in one of the trenches.

Land adjacent to Staines By-pass and the river Colne

A watching brief by S Dyer of SCAU for the National Rivers Authority, of works to form the Moormede Flood Defences, followed on from evaluation in 1993 which recorded part of a palaeo-channel. The line of this former channel was confirmed to run NW to SE through the site but no dating evidence was recovered from the upper silts, which were all that were removed by the construction works. (289)

46-48 High Street, Staines

A watching brief by P Jones of SCAU, for the Abbey National Building Society, of works to the rear of the standing 17th century building, identified a tiled hearth of Roman date and an 18th century bricklined soakaway. The hearth was constructed of Lydion tiles and was almost certainly 4th century in date. A few sherds of late Roman pottery were also recorded.

2-8 High Street, Staines

An evaluation by G Hayman of SCAU for Pearce Construction (South East) Ltd, of a redevelopment site in the centre of the town, found that some of the site had been damaged by the construction of modern basements, but that extensive stratigraphy survived elsewhere. A sequence of prehistoric, Roman and medieval deposits was recorded. Subsequent excavation was carried out by T Ennis of Tempus Reparatum. The earliest activity on the site appears to have been Late Bronze Age, followed by occupation in the Late Iron Age or early Roman period.

Church Lammas, north-west Staines

A watching brief on mineral extraction works was carried out by SCAU for Greenhams Ltd. In late 1994, flint blades of unusual length began to be found by the site observer, N Marples. The growing collection of tools and debitage recovered was clearly Upper Palaeolithic and was in association with animal bones. English Heritage therefore funded excavation by P Jones of SCAU. Ditches of two successive field systems and the southern arm of an early post-medieval rectilinear stock enclosure were revealed.

Lower Colne Improvements

Evaluation by TVAS on behalf of the National River Authority, in advance of the construction of a flood alleviation channel. No features or finds of archaeological significance were revealed during the evaluation. Samples were taken from peat deposits uncovered and study of these will provide an important source for a detailed palaeo-environmental record of landscape change in the Middle Thames region. (301) see report in SyAC 87, 85-93


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