
Lower Mill Farm, Stanwell

Site watching and rescue excavation by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCC and Greenham Construction Materials Ltd revealed some prehistoric features and scattered medieval pottery. In one area three interlinked ring gullies were planned and sampled and several sherds of associated pottery were recovered. This appears to have been a MIA settlement site.

Staines Road Farm

Observation and excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Streeters Sand & Gravel in advance of gravel extraction. A crop mark noted by J N Hampton was located and found to be a hengi-form monument. It had two phases, provisionally dated early-mid Neolithic and later Neolithic, with two associated human burials and animal bone including a dog skull and several antlers. Other finds included a lump of red ochre and a considerable amount of pottery. Nearby features included two pits, one with waterlogged wood and peat.

Pool End, Shepperton

Survey and site observation by P M G Jones for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone located evidence for an extensive buried feature, possibly a former pool upstream from the Neolithic channel previously located in gravel working nearby.

Shepperton Ranges

Site observation by S P Dyer for SCC and Tarmac Roadstone revealed no features of interest. The iron sword with bone handle previously noted has been identified as of IA date from crescent-shaped stamps on the blade.

Matthew Arnold School, Staines

Geophysical survey by R J Poulton and S P Dyer followed by excavation by P M G Jones for SCC (and County Valuer and Estates Surveyor) to attempt to establish the date and degree of survival of the enclosure known from aerial photography. Results were inconclusive but the enclosure seems to be medieval. Evidence for BA occupation in the area marked out by the later enclosure was noted. Further work is planned.

76-88 High Street, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC, Prudential Property Services and Woolwich Building Society in advance of redevelopment examined aspects of the site from its street frontage to the Sweeps Ditch. There was some evidence for prehistoric activity in the area near the latter, at the northern end of the site. On the street frontage evidence for occupation in the 1st, 2nd, possibly the 4th, 13th, 14th and from the 16th to the 20th centuries was found.

73-75 High Street, Staines

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCC and Central Union Property Group revealed the rear of early-mid Flavian building evidence along the High Street edge. This was succeeded by a complex of buildings and refloorings at least to the late 2nd century. Buildings were apparently always of timber. There was evidence for flooding in the mid 2nd century. Other features included ovens, hearths, wells and pits. The site was covered by blackearth in the 4th century with some floor levels as yet undated. Saxon and medieval evidence

2-12 Clarence Street, Staines

Excavation and site observation by P M G Jones for SCC and McKay Securities in advance of redevelopment examined a site at the confluence of the Thames and the Colne (as it existed from the late RB to the end of the Medieval period). Prehistoric peats and clays were found, cut by a late 1st or early 2nd century RB ditch containing leather offcuts and articles; any other RB levels must have been destroyed by later flood action .


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