Mole Valley

Cobham Road, Fetcham

Watching brief undertaken by T Munnery of SCAU, and involving C Green of QUEST, during the installation of a pipeline, revealed an area of Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic and Late Mesolithic flintworking and the foundations of a Roman building. A subsequent excavation discovered that the Late Upper Palaeolithic/Early Mesolithic material was found to be an in-situ scatter of lithics with an eastern and western boundary and two areas with a low lithic density that could infer the positions of two knappers.

St Nicholas church, Charlwood

Watching brief by S Porteus of ASE during groundworks associated with the construction of a new extension to the north of the building. Four brick tombs of late 18th–19th century date were identified and recorded. A total of seventeen burials were excavated during the course of the work, and these were to be reburied elsewhere in the graveyard. A further nine were revealed but were preserved in situ as they were below the level affected by the extension groundworks. The burials all appear to be post-medieval in date.

Ashtead Common villa and tileworks, Ashtead

A third season of excavation was undertaken by D Bird for the Roman Studies Group of SyAS in 2008, the results of which allow both a better identification of at least basic phases of the villa site, with stratified pottery and other finds to provide dating, and a clearer understanding of information in A W G Lowther’s reports. Further magnetometer and topographical surveys were carried out by ASE and these hinted at features crossing one of the three trenches opened, but nothing was found that related to them.

High Ashurst Outdoor Education Centre, Mickleham

HLF Community Archaeology Project, under the guidance of A Guinness of Heritage Enterprise, involving the excavation of the footprint of a demolished estate house present on the site since at least the early 18th century and which was demolished between 1961 and 1973. The project, run in conjunction with Surrey Youth Development and Surrey Youth Justice, uncovered the entire entrance hall mosaic, the remains of the front steps and part of the gallery floor.


Excavation by D Williams of SCC of a group of ingot fragments contained within a pottery vessel. The eight ‘bun’ ingot fragments were located during metal detecting, and the pot is of a type that dates the find to about 800 BC. (410)

St Michael and All Angels’ church, Old London Road, Mickleham

A programme of investigation comprising historic building recording and excavation of inhumations by S Watson of PCA, was undertaken after partial demolition of the current vestry, and the subsequent ground reduction of the site prior to the construction of a new enlarged vestry and during associated drainage works. After the demolition of the vestry (presumed to have been constructed in 1823 with later alterations), the lower part of the northern exterior wall of the chancel was exposed.

Leatherhead Leisure Centre, Leatherhead

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by D King of FA of a site close to the river Mole proposed for a new games area. The work revealed three linear features and a possible pit cut into the top of an alluvial layer present across the site. The dominating linear feature was up to 9m wide and possibly represented a trackway of medieval or post-medieval date. A stony layer running along its edge pre-dated the feature, and the Saxon pottery sherd contained within this layer may be either residual or date it to that period.


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