AOC (Archaeology) Group

St John the Evangelist Church, Redhill

Excavation by L Capon of AOC recorded 266 graveshafts with a total of 282 burials recovered and retained for osteological assessment. The burials can be dated to 1843--1914 when the graveyard was in use. Early cemetery practice appears to show careful planning and management with graves aligned west--east in regular north--south rows. Later burials show dense overcrowding with burials tightly packed into any available space, creating a complex sequence of intercutting graveshafts.

Former Guildford Fire Station, Ladymead, Guildford

Test pit evaluation by C Morris of AOC. The site is adjacent to the site that revealed a substantial scatter of worked flint, thought to represent the in-situ remains of a Late Upper Palaeolithic campsite (SyAC 99, 221), but it produced no Palaeolithic material. A small residual quantity of worked Mesolithic flint artefacts was recovered. A shallow ditch on the western side of the site produced Late Iron Age pottery and Roman pottery and flue tile; a further ditch produced slag and Roman tile fragments.


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