AOC (Archaeology) Group

1 Castle Hill, Guildford

Watching brief by D Hart of AOC during the construction of an access ramp. An undated pit was revealed cut directly into the bedrock chalk. This was sealed by the foundations and remains of a section of the wall of the Castle’s Great Hall. The wall was seen to be 2m wide, and constructed from ragstone and chalk. An internal partition wall was also recorded, together with the remains of internal floors.

Puttenham Golf Club, Puttenham

Evaluation by A Stephenson of AOC prior to the construction of a groundkeeper’s building. No features of archaeological interest were revealed, although a number of probable Bronze Age worked flints were recovered. Owing to the close proximity of the Scheduled Ancient Monument of Frowsbury Mound bowl barrow, a watching brief will be undertaken in early 2002 on the further excavations for the building.

Mead Lane, Chertsey

Evaluation by A Stephenson of AOC prior to a residential redevelopment. No finds or features of archaeological interest were recorded, although examination of peat deposits found near the course of the river Bourne suggested that prehistoric cereal cultivation had taken place in the area during a hiatus in flooding episodes. The lack of artefactual evidence has precluded a precise date for this cultivation, although analysis is ongoing.

Haxted Barn, Haxted

Historic building recording by S Lilley of AOC prior to conversion. The structure was recorded and assessed as dating to the mid-17th century, although the presence of a medieval down brace suggests re-use of materials from an earlier structure. Evidence for a substantial fire within the structure at some point in its history was also catalogued.


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