Surrey Local History Committee

Surrey Photographers


Surrey Local History Committee invites you to attend this day conference on 'Surrey Photographers' at Surrey History Centre.  A pdf of the programme with booking details is attached.

9.30 Registration

9.55 Welcome by Gerry Moss Chairman of Surrey Local History Committee

10.00 Keith Harding, 'Victorian Dorking in photographs by Walter Rose & John Chaplin'

10.40 Coffee or tea

11.10 Nigel Balchin, 'Picture postcards and local history'

Local History Symposium - Maps - BOOK ONLINE NOW


SLHC symposium will be concerning the theme of maps.

9.30 am   Registration

 9.55 am   Welcome Gerry Moss Chairman of Surrey Local History Committee

10.00 am  Jane Lewis (Surrey Heritage)   Maps for Local and Family Historians

10.40 am  Coffee or tea

11.10 am  Anne Sassin (Surrey Archaeological Society). The Surrey LiDAR Portal: Citizen Science on a County Scale

11.50 am  Justin Colson (Institute of Historical Research). Layers of London: Recording the layers of London’s rich heritage

Poverty - Local History Conference - CANCELLED


Due to the current Covid-19 situation we have decided to cancel this event on 21 March.  Hopefully it will be scheduled for a later date.

All those who have booked online should receive an email regarding their booking and the refund process.

Surrey Local History Committee

A Committee of Surrey Archaeological Society Registered Charity 272098

People, Places and Events: Local History from Journals and Magazines BOOK ONLINE


Saturday 30 November 2019
11.00 – 3.15
at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND

11.00-11.30 Registration and coffee

11.30 - 12.10  Keith Moore, Head of Library and Information Services, The Royal Society

The Royal Society of Surrey

12.10 - 12.50   Amy Williams, Collection Development Librarian, Royal Horticultural Society

“A pleasant link with the past”: what gardening periodicals can tell us about local history



Georgian Surrey– the age of enlightenment - ONLINE BOOKING NOW CLOSED

at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND

9.30 Registration

9.55 Chairman’s introductory remarks

10.00 Catherine Ferguson (University of Roehampton) : Introduction

10.20 Hilary Ely (Trustee of the Cranston Library) : Cranston Library

10.50 Coffee and tea

11.20 David Brookes (Bourne Hall Museum) : Epsom as a Spa Town

Surrey Diarists


Surrey Archaeological Society’s Local History Committee and Surrey Heritage


Surrey Diarists

Saturday 3 November 2018
at Surrey History Centre 130, Goldsworth Road, Woking, Surrey, GU21 6ND


10.15 Registration

10.30-11.00 .  Dr. Catherine Ferguson, University of Roehampton .  Pepys and Guildford: ‘A dull place, but good air’


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