Surrey Industrial History Group

SIHG Talk: "The Ramblings of a Railwayman" by Geoff Burch (Leatherhead)


Today's speaker Geoff has been a railway enthusiast since his schooldays.  At 15, he left school and started his career as an engine cleaner, working in the boilersmith’s shop and eventually becoming a top-link fireman based at Guildford Motive Power Depot. This gave him a privileged opportunity to work with a diverse group of drivers and locomotives until the final day of steam on the Southern Region, Sunday 9th July 1967.

SIHG Talk: "Mill Technology and the Development of the UK Patent System" (Zoom) by Nick Gudde


In 1846, a patent was awarded to a new type of corn-mill - it triggered a series of court cases which ran for more than 20 years.  This talk tells the story of the invention and how the court cases provide examples of what makes an invention patentable in the UK today.

SIHG Talk: "The wartime canal volunteers who called themselves ‘Idle Women’" (Zoom) by Alastair Clark


The work women of the Land Army in World War 2 is well known.  This talk tells the story of the less well-known women who volunteered in the 1940s to keep traffic flowing on Britain’s canals. However they may have referred to themselves, they were far form “idle women”.

SIHG Talk: "Salt of the Earth: the salt industry of the Adur valley" (Zoom) by Janet Pennington


This talk uncovers a lost industry of the Adur valley – the making of salt. Salt is something we probably all take for granted, sprinkling it on our roast potatoes or adding it to our salads. Or even, perhaps, trying to eat less of it nowadays.

SIHG Event: Farnham Industry (and more!) Walking Tour


Make your own way to  the Waggon Yard Car Park  GU9 7PS in time for a 10:30am start to the Farnham walking tour, guided by Richard Shenton, which will take 90-100 minutes. There will then be time for lunch to be taken individually (at your own expense). In the afternpon, you may wish to visit The Maltings or the Museum of Farnam, or further explore the streest, shops, pubs and teashops of Farnham


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