Compass Archaeology

Broadoaks, West Byfleet

Evaluation by T Brown of CA targeting areas not investigated during previous archaeological work associated with redevelopment in 2001-2, identified significant areas of modern disturbance associated with subsequent construction in 2008. There were only two features of possible archaeological significance - an undated ditch that truncated an earlier undated ditch.

Abbey Lodge, Abbey Gardens, Chertsey

Evaluation by J Aaronson of CA within the Scheduled Monument of Chertsey Abbey revealed a considerable amount of residual medieval material, including pottery, tile and brick that undoubtedly derives from Chertsey Abbey, but is believed to be material previously sifted out during excavations carried out in 1954. Gravel layers were also revealed that may have formed part of an earlier path skirting the south and western sides of the mid-19th century Abbey Lodge.

Abbey Walls, Chertsey

Watching brief by E Jeffry of CA. Despite the work taking place within the area of the Chertsey Abbey Scheduled Monument, no finds or features of archaeological significance were revealed due to the limited nature of the groundworks being undertaken. A standing wall was also recorded prior to its demolition as part of this exercise, parts of which were concluded to have been constructed from re-used abbey building materials.

Water main replacement, White Rose Lane, Old Woking

Watching brief by H Archer of CA during trenching and other groundworks revealed a series of alluvial deposits ranging from fairly uniform silty sand at the upper levels to lower deposits of fine clayey silt with some organic material continuing below the level of excavation. Residual finds recovered from the topsoil were, with the exception of six prehistoric flints, almost entirely post-medieval in date.

Betchworth Castle (SM no 1378073)

Evaluation by J Aaronson of CA revealed two previously unidentified phases of castle development including part of a substantial footing within a deep-sided cut of 13th century date and a second phase represented by wall bases constructed from rough Reigate stone and chalk blocks. The presence of a brick hearth within the body of one of these walls suggests a later 14th or 15th century date, pre-dating the standing remains and lying to the south of the previously understood limits of the castle.


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