(Centred) Walton Bridge, Walton-on-Thames

Evaluation by A Hood and D King of FA in advance of the construction of the replacement bridge across the Thames and creation of an associated site compound and flood compensation area to the south-west. The evaluation did not reveal any features of archaeological interest in the area around the bridge, but a 'toothed' wooden artefact was recovered from the interface of the natural gravels and overlying deposits in one of the trenches, and further work is proposed within the area of its discovery. Within the site Compound Area, the evaluation revealed two linear features, one pit feature, and two possible pits, with the pottery and struck flint recovered from all but one of the features suggesting a prehistoric origin. The evaluation highlighted that the majority of the archaeological horizons would not be impacted on by the development within this area, so allowing for the preservation in situ beneath the proposed development of any deposits that may be present. Deeper localised excavations within this area that had the potential to impact on deposits were subject to a watching brief, which revealed…Within the flood compensation area, the evaluation revealed six probable features comprising a post-hole, two linear features, one possible linear feature, one possible gully and a shallow pit. Artefactual evidence suggests the features may be of medieval origin, although some possibly earlier pottery sherds were present among the small assemblage. The types of features present may pertain to agricultural activity although the presence of nodules of burnt flint within the pit and post-hole could suggest settlement activity in the vicinity. A soil stripping, mapping and sampling exercise was subsequently undertaken across the area where the features were concentrated, and this revealed…. A programme of Historic Building Recording was also undertaken…