Kempton Park Racecourse, Sunbury

Evaluation by J Vuolteenaho of MoLAS in advance of the installation of a new track revealed one area containing postholes representing either early activity, or an earlier fence alignment, and another with a small shallow feature and further postholes. Monitoring by S Davis during machine clearance around the area of the first set of postholes did not reveal any similar or associated deposits, but the concrete roof of either a basement or bunker was uncovered. Although not fully excavated, the structure was found to extend at least 2m below the present ground surface. The origin and purpose of this structure are unclear but MoLAS suggest it may date to either the First or Second World War periods. The area around the small shallow feature and postholes was fully excavated. Two ditches and numerous pits and postholes were excavated. Pottery recovered from the site suggests that the earliest ditch dated to the Roman period, and the profile of the second ditch suggests that it was a ha-ha, dated by MoLAS to the 19th century. A number of the pits and postholes produced evidence of Bronze Age activity, and indicates that a late prehistoric settlement of some kind existed in the vicinity of the site.
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