Wey Manor Farm, Addlestone

Evaluation in 1994 of the first phases (centred TQ 062 630) proposed for mineral extraction, by Graham Hayman of SCAU on behalf of Ready Mixed Concrete (United Kingdom) Ltd. The area adjacent to the river Wey was found to consist of flood plain deposits and no features or finds of archaeological interest were recovered. The remaining areas produced evidence for numerous archaeological features indicating a concentration of activity, probably settlement, on an area of higher ground. Here pits, ditches and a possible ring-gully produced finds of prehistoric (Bronze or Iron Age) and Roman date. Evaluation in 1995 in advance of the second and third phases of extraction (centred TQ 060 629) produced a variety of features, over half of which were ditches, but most did not contain dating evidence. A variety of pits were also recorded, one of which was certainly Roman in date; others were probably prehistoric. The low number of finds recovered suggests that these features were not close to settlement or were in use for only a short period.