M25 Junctions 12 to 15

Evaluation by the Oxford Archaeological Unit for Chris Blandford Associates along the line of proposed link roads beside the M25. Nine sites were tested by a combination of trial pitting and test pitting: Thorpe Fields; land west of Thorpe by-pass; land between Longside Lake and Great Fosters; land north of Wickham Lane; the Unigate Dairies, Egham; land west of Queensmead Lake; Yeoveney Lodge; Cambridge Kennels; and Poyle Meadows. Of these sites, four contained positive archaeological evidence. Thorpe Fields (TQ 017 685): a ditch containing two flint flakes, burnt flint and a few pieces of prehistoric pottery. Land north of Wickham Lane (TQ 016 706): six ditches, containing struck flint and burnt flint and therefore apparently of prehistoric date, but with differing alignments, suggesting two phases of activity. Yeoveney Lodge (TQ 025 724): a ditch containing a substantial quantity of struck and burnt flint and a few sherds of prehistoric pottery, and a pit and posthole without finds. Cambridge Kennels (TQ 026 730): a north-south aligned palaeo-channel containing waterlogged worked wood, and two ditches, also waterlogged, but without finds. These were palaeo-environmentally assessed; the macroscopic plant and invertebrate remains record generally open conditions, no later than Anglo-Saxon in date. At the Unigate Dairies (TQ 017 716) a recently infilled ditch was noted, which may be a genuinely archaeological feature that has been excavated in the past; a number of ditches in this general area were excavated by B Johnson in 1972, in advance of the construction on the M25.
NGR range: 
017 035, 683 752