Oxford Archaeology

Chobham Park House, Chobham

Evaluation by K Anker of OA. Historic sources indicate that the house was once surrounded by a double moat in the medieval period, and evidence for the innermost of which was revealed in the form of a large, deep negative feature. The early deposits within the feature suggested that casual infilling began with the disposal of medieval material possibly related to a former property on the site, with the later sequence suggesting more concerted infilling from the 17th century onwards. The features were apparently finally filled and lost to view during works to extend the existing house in 1913.

Dunsfold Park, Dunsfold

In August 2012 Oxford Archaeology (OA) carried out a field evaluation on land at Dunsfold park, Dunsfold, Surrey on behalf of Bio Group Ltd. The evaluation comprised machine excavation of 8 trenches 60m long and 2 trenches 25m in length, all with a width of 1.6m. The evaluation found very little in the way of significant archaeological remains. Agricultural furrows were identified crossing the site, generally from west-north-west to east-south-east, but the only archaeological features were one pit (or tree-throw hole) and a north-south ditch that was located crossing two trenches.

Paddle and Rymer Weirs on the Thames

Oxford Archaeology (OA) was asked by Atkins Ltd, acting on behalf of The Environment Agency, to carry out a programme of heritage asset recording on five paddle and rymer weirs on the River Thames (and Kennet), which are to be replaced. The weirs recorded are those at Radcot, Northmoor, Mapledurham, Blakes and Molesey. OA previously undertook a similar piece of recording on Shepperton 'B' Weir on the River Thames in Surrey.

Weir House, Millmead, Guildford

Oxford Archaeology (OA) has carried out a programme of investigation and recording at Weir House in Guildford, Surrey, a Grade II Listed Building owned by the National Trust and situated in a Conservation Area. The house is in good condition and currently inhabited by tenants. The work is in advance of any possible changes that may be proposed in the future so that informed conservation recommendations can be made for practical and effective management that will not compromise the buildings special features and overall historic value.

Land at Blackburn Trading Estate, Stanwell

In January 2013, Oxford Archaeology carried out a trial trench evaluation at Land at Blackburn Trading Estate, Northumberland Road, Stanwell, Surrey. Features associated with the early 20th century development of the site for an animal feeds factory were recorded. No earlier archaeological features were present. Across much of the site, recent remediation work is likely to have removed any archaeological features which may have once existed.

Bourne Channel Diversion, Farnham

In October 2013 Oxford Archaeology conducted an archaeological test-pit evaluation and watching brief during the excavation of a channel diversion at Farnham Bourne, Surrey (centred at NGR: SU 8472 4617). The excavation exposed modern reinforcement of the south bank of the water course together with two phases of probable garden soils overlying alluvial deposits. The existing channel’s location, above the level of the gardens to the south, suggests that the water course was channelised, probably to supply a mill further to the east.

Priory Park, Reigate

Oxford Archaeology undertook a staged programme of archaeological work at Priory Park, Reigate, Surrey, during May-July 2005 on behalf of Reigate and Banstead Borough Council and Land Use Consultants. This programme included a desk-based assessment, walkover survey, geophysical survey and trenched evaluation. Most of the fieldwork was targeted at elucidating the location and layout of the medieval Reigate Priory, and the post-Dissolution development of the Priory as a residence set in landscaped parkland.

Land at Mercers Farm, Nutfield

Oxford Archaeology South (OAS) was commissioned by Andrew Josephs Ltd, on behalf of J and J Franks Ltd, to undertake an archaeological evaluation of land at Mercers Farm, near Nutfield, Surrey (centred on TQ 3050 5200) ahead of proposed mineral extraction. The work was undertaken between 3rd - 27th January 2012. A total of 94 trenches were excavated across the site. Evidence was found for activity from three main periods: the earliest spanning the late Bronze Age to early Iron Age; medieval agricultural use; and post-medieval activity.

St Mary's Church, Guildford

Although no significant archaeological remains were identified during the preliminary Phase 1 watching brief works the Phase 2 works partially exposed two articulated skeletons which were preserved in-situ. The works also revealed two brick culverts. The investigation of the straw and organic material in the roof structure was of interest. The straw appears to have been used as a packing material rather than being traces of a former thatched roof and its use in this way appears to be very unusual.

Sheerwater, Woking

Geoarchaeological survey by E Stafford of OA to inform the proposed Sheerwater Regeneration scheme. Twenty hand-augered samples across the northern part of the site provided baseline data on the nature of sedimentary sequences and recorded a shallow topsoil and a humic silty sandy subsoil over Bagshot Bed deposits. Charcoal fragments from the base of the sequence were radiocarbon dated to the Middle Bronze Age (1500–1320 cal BC) and may be indicative of human activity in the vicinity during this period.


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