Brewerstreet Farm to Lower Pendell Farm oil pipeline, Bletchingley

Evaluation and watching brief by L McCaig and D Britchfield of WA. The test pits were excavated to identify the depth of subsoil across the route of the proposed pipeline and so inform a strategy for the preservation in situ of potential archaeological deposits. The development proposal was subsequently designed to avoid impact on the archaeological horizons within the area of the easement that covered the majority of the development area, and truncation of the archaeological horizons was confined to the excavation of the narrow pipe trench. A Neolithic pit was revealed in one of the test pits, and the watching brief undertaken during the excavation of the pipe trench revealed a palaeochannel containing worked flint of possible Late Neolithic date and probable Late Bronze Age pottery, a pit, a gully and five ditches, all of which were undated but likely to be of post-medieval or modern origin.