
Whitebeech, Chiddingfold

Fieldwalking survey by T Howe of SCC. A training exercise in conjunction with D & A Graham of SyAS catalogued a large amount of material, the results of which were plotted out to identify more precisely the location of the large Roman villa complex, known to exist in the area following excavations in 1888-9. Evidence for a probable Mesolithic site was also identified. (362)

Rookery Farm, Lower Kingswood

Excavation by P Harp of Plateau and J Scott-Jackson of Oxford University of five test pits recovered 25 pieces of Lower Palaeolithic struck flint, and a moderate quantity of post-glacial struck flint. The Palaeolithic flint was mainly debitage and mostly from ploughsoil, but also from the underlying clay-with-flints, and had no obvious clast orientation. Soil samples were taken for analysis.

Swan Centre, Leatherhead

Evaluation by M Dover of SCAU prior to the construction of an extension to the Swan Centre. A single flint tool of Mesolithic or early Neolithic flint was recovered, although this was found within the subsoil rather than any apparent feature. Nothing further of archaeological note was revealed.

North Park Farm, Bletchingley

Excavation by P Jones of SCAU adjacent to areas previously investigated revealed evidence of activity spanning the early prehistoric to medieval periods. The earliest purposely dug feature was a large and deep banana-shaped pit that contained over 3000 struck flints of wholly Mesolithic date. Evidence of Bronze Age activity revealed across the site was of long duration, although probably episodic.

Place Farm Barn, Place Farm Road, Bletchingley

Watching brief by S Hind and R Poulton of SCAU between 2006 and 2009 during the redevelopment of the barn. There was extensive evidence of post-medieval disturbance, much of it relatively modern in date, but a small amount of prehistoric material, including Mesolithic flintwork and Bronze Age pottery, was recovered. However, the principal interest of the site related to the fact that Place Farm is an 18th century building formed on the manorial complex of Bletchingley Place.

North of Pendell Farm, Bletchingley

Three phases of archaeological investigation were carried out by S Ford, J Pine and J Lewis of TVAS in advance of possible future extraction on this site. The first phase comprised the excavation of 249 trenches and revealed a range of deposits of Late Bronze Age, Roman, Early Saxon, Late Saxon and medieval dates, within an area coincident with a cropmark enclosure complex; a small number of gullies possibly dating to the Neolithic or Bronze Age to the west, and in-situ Mesolithic artefacts and a Mesolithic pit.

Blindley Heath

Watching brief by N Randall of SCAU during groundworks involved in the installation of a water pipeline across and to the east and west of the A22. The probable route of the London–Brighton Roman road is postulated to lie below the present route of the A22. No remains of this were exposed in the trench excavated across the A22, but evidence of a succession of 18th–19th century phases of sub-surface road construction was revealed.

St Michael’s Roman Catholic Primary School, Feltham Hill Road, Ashford

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU revealed a variety of features and deposits dating to the prehistoric, medieval and post-medieval periods. A ditch containing later Bronze Age flintwork was the earliest feature. The ditch contained a residual Mesolithic core, and a flint flake of Neolithic or Early Bronze Age date. Two joining pot sherds from a Late Saxon bowl were also recovered from a layer of post-medieval soil above the feature.

Manor Farm, Laleham

Evaluation by J Pine and A Weale of TVAS in advance of possible mineral extraction involved the excavation of 149 trenches. A high density of certain and probable archaeological deposits was revealed, with 60% of the trenches proving positive, although little cultural or environmental dating evidence was recovered from them. Where such evidence was present, the deposits reflected Early Neolithic and probable Middle to Late Bronze Age occupation, with prehistoric activity of other periods represented by a few pieces of possible Mesolithic flintwork, Late Neolithic and Late Iron Age pottery.


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