
Preston Hawe, Banstead

Excavation by R J Poulton for SCC and McAlpine Homes South Ltd in advance of development affecting the south-west corner of the enclosure identified by B Hope-Taylor. The ditch on the south side was found to be no more than a gully and no signs of occupation were noted. A number of mostly Mesolithic flints were found, not in contemporary contexts; they included a tranchet axe. (224)

Ladymead, Stoke, Guildford

Report by R A Shettle of fieldwork and observation over a number of years in Ladymead, 65 worked Mesolithic flints were recovered from a site on the edge of the Wey flood plain, including six cores, seven scrapers, blades, saws, and waster material. A late Neolithic or EBA flint arrowhead was also found. (223)

South Farm, Lightwater

Sixth season of excavation by G H Cole for SHAHT. Two distinct areas were examined. In the first a rectangular well was found and dated to before AD 200; it was severely disturbed by a ditch whose fill was dated cAD 200-250 and by the construction of a cesspit of cAD 1780. The second area produced worked flint dated Mesolithic/Neolithic and a barbed and tanged arrowhead. Late Iron Age pottery was found and part of a late 1st or early 2nd century AD Romanised building indicated by beam slots and said to have sand or gravel floors.

St Ann's Hill, Chertsey

Excavation by P M G Jones for SCAU, Runnymede Borough Council and English Heritage to provide information for management of the monument. Mesolithic worked flints including cores were found. The postulated defences were sectioned and the site was confirmed as a univallate hillfort; a full detailed survey was carried out by RCHM(E). In a small trench in the interior 53 prehistoric features were found, mostly of early to middle Iron Age date, with post-holes indicating three or more building phases.

Bocketts Farm and Thorncroft area, Leatherhead

Report on detailed fieldwalking of 96ha (237 acres) by S P Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A thin scatter of worked flint was found throughout the area; mostly Neolithic with some Mesolithic and some BA. Sherds of Neolithic and BA pottery were also found. Aerial photographic evidence shows that the higher ground around Bocketts Farm is covered by a Celtic field system, perhaps to be associated with the known occupation site at Hawks Hill, but no Iron Age pottery has yet been found.

Milford Golf Course

A watching brief on topsoil stripping during construction of the golf course was carried out by Rob Poulton of SCAU for BMP Building Ltd. No archaeological features and only a few pieces of worked flint of Mesolithic or Neolithic date were observed.

Hankley Common

Excavation by M Reynier of Nottingham University, for the British Museum, of an area adjacent to the 1977/8 excavation by Dr R M Jacobi (site 103, Kettlebury). A large collection of flints was recovered, including two hollow-based points which are characteristic of Early Mesolithic Horsham assemblages. Another characteristic of Horsham assemblages, the chamfered flake or blade, was not recovered, but two characteristic chamfer spalls were.

Franks’ Sandpit, Betchworth

Excavation by D W Williams for SyAS in advance of mineral extraction revealed two concentrations of activity. One was a concentration of pits, three of which contained Late Neolithic grooved ware and, palaeo-environmental assessment revealed, hazelnut shells; one of these pits also contained over 30 flint scrapers. Other pits were packed with charcoal and cremated bone, and one contained a Bronze Age spiral ring. The surrounding areas produced a variety of flints from Late Mesolithic through to Middle Bronze Age date, and sherds of decorated Peterborough type bowls from the Neolithic.


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