18th century

13-15 Tunsgate, Guildford

Test excavations in advance of alteration and extension of the buildings, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Triggs Turner Investment Co, recorded several pits and some walling of 17th-18th century date. Beneath these features, pits, postholes and stake holes of late 12th-early 13th century date were found. The majority of the pits had been used for domestic rubbish disposal. One very large feature is presumed to have been produced by quarrying for chalk. Levelling into the slope for building had truncated features towards the rear of the site.

St John’s Church, Wonersh

A watching brief by J English on building works at the church recorded a well-built wall of greensand blocks, incorporating pieces of moulding, below the present west wall, which probably represents a phase of rebuilding carried out in 1793/4. Below this was a row of chalk or clunch blocks, that appeared only for the width of the nave, and may relate to the Saxo-Norman church. (300)

The Alms Houses, Warlingham

Evaluation by J Robertson of SCAU, for the Trustees of the Harmon Atwood Charities, in advance of the construction of a new residential block. During excavation of trial trenches fragments of roof tile were frequently observed, and two struck flint flakes and several sherds of pottery of 17th/18th century date were recovered from the spoil.

46-48 High Street, Staines

A watching brief by P Jones of SCAU, for the Abbey National Building Society, of works to the rear of the standing 17th century building, identified a tiled hearth of Roman date and an 18th century bricklined soakaway. The hearth was constructed of Lydion tiles and was almost certainly 4th century in date. A few sherds of late Roman pottery were also recorded.

Botleys Mansion, Chertsey

An evaluation of building debris, by R Poulton of SCAU for P&O Developments, following a fire at the 18th century mansion (listed grade II*). The ground floor rooms are intended to be returned to their original appearance as far as possible. The evaluation of the front hall demonstrated that the ceiling plaster survived as a layer immediately over the floor. Some survived in relatively good condition, including substantial pieces of decorated work, which suggested restoration of the ceilings would be possible. Further work was subsequently carried out by Wessex Archaeology.

Redhill General Hospital

Evaluation by Sutton Archaeological Services for Linden Homes South-East Ltd of the hospital site, formerly the site of an 18th and 19th century Poor House, found that much of the site had been extensively disturbed. The only archaeological features observed were a series of 18th century field drains.

Land rear of 29-55 High Street, Dorking

Excavation by J Pine of TVAS for Fairclough Homes, in advance of redevelopment, revealed medieval pits, postholes and gullies and a late medieval well. The pottery from these features has been dated to the 12th to 13th centuries. Pottery from the 17th to 18th century was also recovered. Two near complete articulated pig skeletons were found in purpose-dug pits. (301); see report in SyAC 90, 261-271


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