18th century

40 Manor Avenue, Caterham

Evaluation by C Currie of CKCA revealed the foundations of a structure present on a 1736 map, among much truncation. Two pits found underneath the site of this structure did not contain any artefacts to allow them to be dated. A subsequent watching brief confirmed that the site had been considerably truncated. However, fragmentary foundations of other structures were revealed, and together with new documentary material, this helped to clarify the development of a farm that had existed on the site from the 18th century.

Bridge Wharf, Chertsey

Excavations by C Cowan of MoLAS prior to and during residential development. No further prehistoric remains were encountered following the 2002 evaluation. The earliest remains related to remnants of a possible medieval structure, associated with pottery dated to 1230–1400 which was recovered from the topsoil/subsoil interface. Several post-medieval garden features were encountered also, together with large amounts of pottery in the topsoil layers which fell into two categories: 17th to earlier 18th century kitchen and sanitary wares, and late 18th–19th century tablewares. Work is ongoing

A3–Hindhead bypass

Large-scale evaluation programme by A Manning of WA. Varied results were recorded, ranging from largely negative areas where no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed, through to evidence for Neolithic activity, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlement, and post-medieval agricultural land management. Subsequent excavation revealed a significant number of pits, postholes and gullies of Late Bronze Age–Early Iron Age date.

St Andrew’s Church, Farnham

Watching brief by G Pattison of SCAU and D and A Graham of SyAS during alterations. A number of burial vaults and inhumations were recorded below the church floor, most of which was lifted and re-laid. Evidence for the remains of a pre-12th century church was also recorded, in the form of wall footings and truncated floor deposits.


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