16th century

Nonsuch Park, Ewell

Archaeological Survey of Nonsuch Park, carried out by the RCHME in three phases between 1993 and 1995. The first phase of the project in October 1993 comprised an aerial photographic transcription of the whole Park at 1:2500 scale; the second, an earthwork survey in April 1994 at 1:10000 scale of the site of the Henrician Palace, its garden and the outlying Banqueting House; and the third, in February 1995, a survey of the remainder of the present-day Park at 1:2500.

26 Old Palace Road, Weybridge

A watching brief by R Poulton & N Hembrey of SCAU, for Elmbridge Borough Council, on works to underpin the foundations of the house, which lies within the scheduled site of Oatlands Palace. A brick wall of the Tudor palace was observed, which may be associated with the Buttery, based on Gough’s drawing c1600.

Starborough Castle, Lingfield

A watching brief by D Saich of SCC on the construction of new stables revealed a very truncated pit or ditch densely packed with brick, tile, animal bone, oyster shells and occasional pieces of glass. The handmade bricks and flat tiles suggest they may date as early as the 16th century. (304)

The King’s Arms, High Street, Bagshot

Excavation by SHAHT, under the direction of G Cole, to the rear of 36-40 High Street. The earliest feature revealed was a wide flat-bottomed ditch which may have been one of the fish ponds known to have existed on the site from documentary records. Sherds of Coarse Border Ware vessels of 14th century date were recovered from the base of the ditch; from the middle of the 16th century the ditch was infilled by rubbish. To the north-west of the ditch was a flint cobbled surface; tothe south east of the ditch was evidence for a post-constructed building with a trampled sand and clay floor.

44 High Street, Bagshot

Report on a wall painting revealed during renovation works. The paintings were recorded by G Pattison of SCAU and P Gray of SyAS. The building itself appears to be 14th century in origin, with a 16th century rebuild. The paintings were revealed on two walls of a downstairs room and probably represent 16th and 17th century decoration, possibly relating to the building’s use as an inn. (317, 321)

Chertsey Revitalisation Scheme: Phase 6

Evaluation and subsequent excavation by J Robertson of SCAU, for Countryside Commercial, of this redevelopment site. Evidence for prehistoric activity was recovered in the form of struck and burnt flint and a probably Bronze Age pot sherd. A sherd of grass-tempered Saxon pottery was also recovered. Well preserved stratigraphy indicated occupation in the vicinity from the late 13th century onwards, possibly associated with the medieval suburb of Styvynton, previously only known about from documents.

74-6 High Street, Reigate

A watching brief by D W Williams of work to this property, which cuts into the slope below the castle. Subsidence resulted in the destruction of a 19th century brick baking oven and a stone and brick revetment, before recording could take place, as well as the rear wall of this 16th-17th century building. Subsequent observation revealed a buried soil layer, which contained early Mesolithic flint blades and 13th century pottery, that had been disturbed by excavation, presumably for sand, at some point in the 13th century.

Pound Lane, Godalming

Evaluation by B Matthews of OAU, for Care UK Community Partnership, of a redevelopment site on the edge of the town centre. A probable garden soil, containing 19th century pottery, sealed the natural. The only earlier evidence were two areas of disturbance in the natural, interpreted as tree root holes, one of which contained a sherd of probably 16th century Border Ware.

Land at the corner of Pyrcroft Road and Guildford Street, Chertsey

Excavation and a watching brief by D Hopkinson of AOC, for Countryside Properties (Commercial) PLC, of the site of Phase 5 of the Chertsey Revitalisation Scheme, following an evaluation in 1997. The earliest evidence revealed was a series of intercutting Saxo-Norman gullies, apparently demarcating an enclosure extending to the north and west, with an opening in its south east corner. A series of pits and ditches of 14th - mid 16th century date appear to be the next phase of activity. Two major ditches of this date defined plots alongside Guildford Street.


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