16th century

Farnham Castle

Report by K D Graham that a repositioned, probably 16th century, stone fireplace was located in a repair work. It was built into the inner face of the outer bailey wall south of the chapel in a section which seems to be a repair, perhaps of Civil War period damage.(257)

Runfold Farm, Badshot Lea

Fieldwalking as a first stage of evaluation in advance of mineral extraction by S P Dyer for SCAU and Pioneer Aggregates UK Ltd. A number of clay pits were found across the area, presumably indicating clay was being dug for pottery manufacture. A quantity of Roman period pottery was found and it is known that this region had a widespread pottery industry from the 1st century AD onwards. However, a number of 16th and 17th century pot sherds, some apparently manufacturing wasters, were also found.

West Street, Farnham

Watching brief on extension to Elphicks Department Store by R J Poulton and P M G Jones for SCAU and Kemp Stroud. Major part of area had previously been extensively disturbed, but a small portion of pit or ditch was identified, from which a large sherd of 16th century pottery and a bronze bucket fitting were recovered.

Town Hall, Staines

A watching brief on groundworks at the Town Hall and some excavation was carried out by P M G Jones of SCAU for Spelthorne Borough Council. This confirmed that the building lay over medieval and Roman near-shore muds and silts which were sealed below 16th-17th century levels, probably representing foreshore reclamation. A reed peat filled feature of 15th century date was recorded, which contained numerous cut offs of wood and scraps of leather. The earliest buildings on the site appear to be late 15th or 16th century in date.

Reigate Priory

Observation by D W Williams of the digging of floodlight cable trenches south of the standing buildings revealed a number of general levels: featureless brown sandy loam below possibly 16th/l7th century layers below a possible 18th century courtyard surface, itself below a spread of late 19th century stone and brick rubble. At three points adjacent to the sunken garden were observed the substantial footings of stone walls bonded with yellow mortar.

9 Market Street, Guildford

Finds including late 15th century Tudor Green drinking vessels, late 15th to early 16th century German stoneware jugs, much animal bone and a piece of wood carved with a fleur-de-lis located in observation of building works by J Boas for Guildford Museum (September-October 1991). (282)

129 High Street, Guildford

Four sections of undated chalk block wall, possibly a cellar, identified by GMVEU in building works. Finds from within the area of the walls dated from 13th to 16th centuries, including very fine 16th century globular drinking jugs and a polychrome altar vase. An unusually high concentration of fish bones and oyster shells was recovered. (282)

Nonsuch Park, Ewell

A watching brief on the laying of a water main along the northern boundary of the park was carried out by Rob Poulton of SCAU for Southern District Water PLC. No evidence for a suggested Roman road across the park was seen, but the drain from Nonsuch Palace was noted.

31 Lower Church Lane, Farnham

Building works within the standing building, which dates to the late 16th century, revealed a number of features subsequently recorded by D Graham. A small mortar-lined conical pit containing solidified lead was identified, presumably the remains of a furnace associated with lead working. No dating evidence was recovered, but the furnace must pre-date the standing building and appeared to be later than a stone floor, apparently of 13th century date, which was also recorded. From evidence elsewhere in the town, it is thought likely that the furnace dates to the early 16th century (292)

56 High Street, Guildford

Evaluation by R Poulton of SCAU for W H Smith Ltd as part of redevelopment of the shop site. The work took the form of observation of clearance and groundworks, with recording of the archaeology uncovered. SCAU were assisted by the GMVEU. Much of the site had been disturbed by modern development and the High Street frontage was found to have essentially been removed by modern basementing. Elsewhere no occupation levels earlier than the post-medieval period survived; the only pre-19th century wall foundations recorded probably relate to the House of Correction, built soon after 1767.


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