Thames Valley Archaeological Services

139–143 High Street, Godalming

A watching brief by S Porter of TVAS following earlier evaluation revealed a range of archaeological deposits from the medieval through to late post-medieval periods. The earliest evidence was a medieval pit with sparse medieval pottery. More complex deposits of post-medieval date including walls, floors, a probable well and a cesspit were also revealed.

Coombe Edge, Sunninghill Road, Windlesham

Watching brief and historic building recording by A Taylor and G Elliot of TVAS. Coombe Edge was noted as a good example of a small country house with a lodge and for its association with the family of Sir Ranulf Fiennes. Groundworks associated with a new house, pool and pond were monitored for remains connected with the route of the Roman road thought to run adjacent to the site, but no finds or features of archaeological interest were revealed.


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