Thames Valley Archaeological Services

Pyrford Marina, Lock Lane, Pyrford

Watching brief by J Lewis of TVAS during the excavation of test pits to ascertain whether the construction of an extension to the marina would have the potential to impact on archaeology. The construction of the marina involves excavation to a depth of 217mm from current ground level, and the test pits revealed the archaeologically relevant horizons at depths of below 420mm, so allowing for the preservation in situ beneath the proposed development of any deposits that may be present.

Wiggins Yard, Godalming

Watching brief by S Porter of TVAS. No finds of archaeological interest were recovered. A peat deposit was revealed and sampled, which provided evidence about the environmental conditions of the site, although the material was not concluded to be of significant age as it was directly sealed by later post- medieval deposits.

Church Close Farm, Dunsfold

Historic building recording and watching brief during barn conversion works by S Wallis of TVAS. A timber- framed barn of probable late 18th-early 19th century date was photographically recorded. The structure had been moved and reconstructed at its present location in 1983. Other than the timber frame of the building, it was concluded that little else of the original fabric survived.

Nutbourne Brickworks, Hambledon

Historic building recording by S Wallis of TVAS. The remains of the former brickworks that had closed in 1990 and had remained derelict for some time were recorded prior to their demolition. It was noted that many of the features of possible industrial archaeological interest had already been salvaged and removed from the site.


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