Museum of London Archaeology

157–158 High Street, Egham

Evaluation and watching brief by D Jamieson of MoLAS prior to redevelopment. A limited number of late post-medieval (19th century) features were revealed, including what appeared to be the heavily truncated remains of a blacksmith’s workshop that formerly stood on the site. Most of the area had however been severely damaged by the construction of the supermarket, which had occupied the site until its recent demolition.

Land at Croydon Lane, Banstead

Excavation and watching brief by P Thrale of MoLAS following evaluation work in 2003. Natural chalk solution hollows and a single irregular pit were recorded during the excavation, sealed by a layer of possible agricultural soil, which contained prehistoric flintwork and medieval and post-medieval pottery. No finds or features were observed during the subsequent watching brief.

Redding Way, Knaphill

Evaluation by G Dennis of MoLAS across a stream seen on historic maps, and which geotechnical work had reported as containing timbers within alluvial deposits. The two trenches revealed that the stream had been scoured out in the last century and a land drain inserted at its base. The only finds recovered were sherds from a china bowl from the nearby Brookwood Asylum.

Ashford Hospital, Long Lane, Ashford

Watching brief by R Cowie of MoLAS following evaluation and excavation of part of the site last year. The excavation had been located in the area where the evaluation had revealed that features were concentrated. The work identified at least three pits of possible Neolithic date, three Bronze Age ditches representing part of a co-axial field system including the corner of an enclosure, two water-holes likely to be contemporaneous with the enclosure, and a Roman pit.

Bridge Wharf, Chertsey

Excavations by C Cowan of MoLAS prior to and during residential development. No further prehistoric remains were encountered following the 2002 evaluation. The earliest remains related to remnants of a possible medieval structure, associated with pottery dated to 1230–1400 which was recovered from the topsoil/subsoil interface. Several post-medieval garden features were encountered also, together with large amounts of pottery in the topsoil layers which fell into two categories: 17th to earlier 18th century kitchen and sanitary wares, and late 18th–19th century tablewares. Work is ongoing

Croydon Lane, Banstead

Evaluation by E Eastbury of MoLAS prior to redevelopment found that most of the site had suffered severe truncation of any potential deposits during the construction of the existing buildings. A small area was found to contain a deep feature, containing stratified material dating from the Late Neolithic to Roman periods. Owing to the large size of the feature, its extent or exact nature could not be verified. A subsequent watching brief on the area where the feature was presumed to continue provided no further information.


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