Museum of London Archaeology

The Old Coach House, Bletchingley Castle, Bletchingley

Report on a watching brief carried out by G Rapson of MOLA in 2009 during the excavation of five small pits to allow an electricity cable to be laid underground within the Scheduled Monument. One of the pits contained a charcoal-rich layer within colluvial deposits, a similar undated charcoal-rich layer was revealed in another, and evidence of extensive late 19th–20th century remodelling of the area was revealed within the remaining three.

West Hall, Parvis Road, West Byfleet

Evaluation and watching brief by I Howell and historic building survey by H Robertson of MOLA. The evaluation revealed the northern and southern edges of a water feature shown on maps of 1768, 1801 and 1841, and several red brick footings which appear to have belonged to two phases of greenhouse construction. Groundworks within the area of the water feature were subject to the watching brief, but the majority of these were not deep enough to expose the cut of the feature, and it was not possible to ascertain its function.

633 Franklands Drive, Addlestone

Soil stripping, mapping and sampling by I Howell of MOLA. The work comprised Phase I of the mitigation programme necessitated by the results of the evaluation in 2008. The remains of 25 urned cremations of probable Late Iron Age/Early Roman date were revealed in a cluster, with an additional seven features interpreted as un-urned cremations of a similar period. A further four discrete features separated from the main cluster were thought to be un-urned cremations, and a single long bone within another feature was tentatively identified as a possible inhumation burial.

The Dell, Locke King Road, Weybridge

Evaluation by H Knight of MOLA revealed an alluvial or colluvial layer likely to have been deposited through the later prehistoric period, but no features of archaeological interest. An area of hardstanding partially surrounded by a brick wall foundation is likely to have been built in the 20th century, but probably later than the construction of the adjacent Brooklands racing circuit.

The Parish School Site, London Road, Reigate

Evaluation and watching brief by the South-East London Archaeological Unit of the former school site, for Rydon Construction Ltd. The site lies just outside the area of the medieval town of Reigate and adjacent to Reigate Castle. Two small gullies of 13th to 14th century date and a pit of similar date were recorded. The medieval features are suggested to relate to expansion of the town westward in the 13th and 14th centuries. The site was used subsequently as farmland. (305)

Land west of Long Lane, Stanwell

An evaluation by H Knight of MoLAS, for Sandville Properties, in advance of redevelopment, revealed a number of features, mostly gulleys and pits, which were undated but thought to be prehistoric and probably associated with the field system identified at the adjoining Cargo Point site. In addition, brick structures and pits of 18th century date, associated with the settlement of West Bedfont, were identified.

Cargo Point, Bedfont Road, Stanwell

Evaluation by N Elsden of MoLAS, for Lynton plc and Birse Construction, of a site proposed for redevelopment, revealed a number of features thought to indicate the remains of a prehistoric field system. Excavation and a watching brief on the development was subsequently carried out by H Knight of MoLAS. At least two phases of Middle Bronze Age activity were recorded, relating to the division of the area into fields. Subsequently, in the medieval period, the area was again divided into fields.

Eashing Mill, Lower Eashing

Survey by T P Smith of MoLAS of buildings to be demolished as part of the redevelopment of Eashing Mill. The buildings were the remnants of the main mill building and two conjoined cottages to the north west. The style of the mill building, and its use of two-tone brickwork, belongs to the second half of the 19th century, probably to the last quarter of that century. The cottages are so close in style to the mill building that they were almost certainly built at more or less the same time - perhaps as a single project.


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