Local Society

8 Church Street, Ewell

Watching brief by S Nelson of EEHAS during the alterations to the building and during demolition of a rear, presumed 19th century, extension. The building is a late 17th century timber-framed structure, with 18th and 19th century alterations and additions. Stripping of all internal plaster surfaces allowed details of the timber framing and sequence of development to be recorded and a previous programme of building recording be augmented.

38 High Street, Ewell

Watching brief by N Cowlard of EEHAS revealed evidence of a corrugated asbestos-lined bomb shelter, a sherd of Roman pottery within the spoil, and extensive modern disturbance. A circular brick-built well uncovered on the boundary between numbers 38 and 40 is likely to have been built before the property was divided in the late 19th century.

22 Reigate Road, Ewell

Excavation by F Pemberton of EEHAS of two trenches in advance of the construction of a new extension revealed a cambered flint surface, likely to be the remains of Stane Street. The feature is in alignment with the route of the road recently proposed by A Hall (SyAC 94), and its composition is similar to that recorded elsewhere by Hall and at Mongers Lane by A W G Lowther.


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