
For Committee Business

Faith expressed in Stone: Religious Buildings in Surrey and Southeast England


Faith expressed in Stone: Religious Buildings in Surrey and Southeast England

A Series of Five Lectures

To be held in The Abraham Dixon Hall, The Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH

Tuesday evenings at 7.30 for 8.00 (3 to 31 May 2011)

£6 per person per evening, or all five lectures for £26

Tuesday 10 May
Synagogue Design and Jewish Religious Practice: Historic and Contemporary Examples

Merilyn Spier M Arch., RIBA (retired)

Council Meeting


Council meeting in the Conference Room at the History Centre starting at 8pm. Tour of building from 7 - 7.45pm followed by refreshments.

The object of the visit is to consider the possibility of moving the Society's offices to the History Centre.



The Society has the following committees.

Library and Archives Committee: Ms C Pittman (Chairman), Ms Marie Hounsome (Secretary)

Publications and Editorial Committee: Dr G P Moss (Chairman), Mrs R Hooker (Secretary)

Research Committee:  Miss E L Corke (Chairman), Mrs R Hooker (Secretary),

Surrey Local History Committee: Mr G P Brooks (Chairman)

Roman Studies Group: Miss E L Corke (Chair), Mrs N Cowlard (Secretary)
Surrey Industrial History Group: H Anscombe (Secretary)

Outreach Group: Dr Anne Sassin (Chairman),  (Secretary)



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