
Synonymous with tour.

Finding Farnham Festival - Museum of Farnham


On Saturday 3rd August, the annual Finding Farnham Festival will be back at the Museum of Farnham (11:00-16:00), where anyone can come along and have a try at digging, or simply watch the archaeologists investigate a pre-Georgian outbuilding!

The day will include a visit from the Butser IX Roman Legion and chance to look at the summer’s archaeology exhibit featuring some of the choicest artefacts from the region!

SIHG AGM and Conservation Award Ceremony


Surrey Industrial History Group Annual General Meeting and Conservation Award Ceremony, 
Bluebird Room, Brooklands Museum.
The AGM will be followed by refreshmnets and a chance to visit the restored Aircraft Factory. 
Please contact Bob Bryson, 01483 577809 or, if you wish to attend, and he will provide further details.

Brookwood Open Days


To celebrate Armed Forces Day, Brookwood Military Cemetery near Woking will be holding two Open Days in partnership with the American Battle Monuments Commission and Brookwood Civilian Cemetery. These Open Days will be an opportunity to see the work of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and the UK's largest CWGC cemetery.

There will be multiple attractions, from historic guided tours and expert talks, to stalls from heritage organisations and a lifesize Spitfire exhibition. Entertainment will also be provided by a band and vintage singer.

Providence Chapel, Charlwood


The newly renovated Providence Chapel in Charlwood will reopen on 6th April. This unique Grade II* listed building was originally built in Horsham in the late 1700s and moved to Charlwood in the early 1800s. It has now been renovated with help from a Heritage Lottery Fund grant and other donors and will now be available as a local community building and opened on regular occasions to the general public.

Details of the opening event are on the attached pdf 

Visit to SOAG excavation of Gatehampton Roman villa


South Oxfordshire Archaeological Group is extending its excavations at Gatehampton Roman villa, near Goring-on-Thames into 2019. The focus this year will be the bath house and exploration of  a possible new building. The visit will include an explanation of the site, a tour of the excavations and viewing of the latest finds. Whilst there is no fee for the tour, donations to the project are welcomed.

Following the visit to the excavation there is the option to stay locally for a pub lunch.


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