
Sutton Park

8th and 9th seasons of excavation by D G Bird for SCC and SyAS. In the 8th, work concentrated on the probably early post-medieval building previously identified. Three sides only could be located, marked by rubble and clay foundations. It overlay a ditch full of medieval pottery. A magnetic date for the earliest hearth associated with the medieval building previously identified was received from A Clark: approximately AD 1270-1310. A few sherds of Neolithic or LBA pottery were found, not in context, (206)

Byfleet Mill

A Crocker and Glenys Crocker reported that building restoration revealed features of the former water-powered corn mill, including the trench of the pit wheel and remains of the drive mechanism associated with the west water wheel and the cast iron hurst frame which supported four pairs of millstones powered by the east water wheel (SIHG 64; unpublished report in SyAS Library)

Pyrford Golf Course

Fieldwalking in advance of construction of the golf course was carried out by P M G Jones of SCAU for O & J House Ltd. Some prehistoric flints were recovered, but the only evidence for occupation was two concentrations of building debris, which could be associated with buildings shown on a 17th century plan of the Pyrford estate.

Woking Palace, Old Woking

An archaeological investigation of the foundations of the standing remains of the palace was carried out by Graham Hayman of SCAU for Woking Borough Council. Detailed information on the state of the foundations was needed as part of a programme of repair and conservation of the remains. The work indicated there is a complex stratigraphy indicating various building stages preserved on the site. The foundations of the present walls were built to a substantial depth and appeared in good condition. The foundations were made of a variety of materials including brick, chalk blocks and flint


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