
Brockhill near Parley Bridge, Horsell

Excavation (1975) by Nancy Cox for Mayford History Society discovered Mesolithic flints and led to the rediscovery of an earlier collection of over 1500 implements from the site, some of them of the Upper Palaeolithic. Later excavation (1977) by C. Bonsall for Mayford History Society, SyAS, DOE and the British Museum confirmed the importance of the site and collection. (126 and 139)

Sutton Park, Woking

Second season of excavation by D G Bird for SCC, SyAS and DOE located part of the foundations of a 16th century brick building, perhaps an outbuilding (? gazebo) of Sutton Place. Further parts of the medieval ditch system were located. In the third season an entrance through the ditches, which perhaps defined a sub-circular enclosure surrounding the medieval manor house, was examined. (Bulletin 162 and Bulletin 172)

Monument Hill, Woking

Trial excavation by Nancy Cox for Mayford History Society to examine features located on aerial photographs by J N Hampton, in advance of golf course &instruction. Two side ditches of a probable trackway were located but could not be dated. (167)

Sutton Park

Further excavation by D G Bird for SCC and SyAS concentrated on the medieval building found in 1982. Two walls were located and a sequence of three tile hearths. South of this building were two areas of heavily burnt clay, one overlying a ditch whose top fill contained a great deal of pottery. Part of a second building was also found to the east. (187)

Sutton Park

Fieldwalking in March organised by D G Bird and A Miller for SCC located a major concentration of medieval pottery. Excavation later in the year in this area led to the discovery of part of a medieval building with a tile-built hearth. It was cut by two ‘drains’ constructed of re-used tiles and bricks and possibly originally intended as irrigation channels.

Sutton Park

Seventh season of excavation by D G Bird for SC and SyAS studied further a probable medieval building with a sequence of three hearths, a length of medieval ditch and a later building. (196)


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