Mole Valley


Magnetometry survey and evaluation by R Hooker of SyAS exposed a length of a narrow ditch truncated by ploughing. The ditch was filled with a burnt deposit containing large quantities of heavily burnt bone and a considerable quantity of pottery sherds, provisionally dated as Late Iron Age and early Roman. Further magnetometry and excavation work is planned to determine the extent of the archaeological features. (Bulletin 449)

Betchworth church, Church Street, Betchworth

Watching brief by E Brants and T Howe of SCC recorded the disarticulated remains of at least five individuals as well as at least three burials in vaults. One burial had an ornately decorated, lead-lined wooden coffin, once covered with velvet; its lead and brass name plates identified the individual as Henry Wight Esq, Lord of the Manor of Brockham who died on 12 September 1793, aged 65. Wight’s vault was constructed over an earlier, unnamed coffin burial and a second vault contained another coffin burial, again unnamed.

Headley Heath

Test pit by P Harp and S Hill of Plateau (a group of SyAS) on the site of a 1st century pottery and building material scatter, produced Romano-British and imported Roman fine wares of the same date within a mixed chalk matrix that may have been imported from elsewhere.

Betchworth Castle (SM no 1378073)

Evaluation by J Aaronson of CA revealed two previously unidentified phases of castle development including part of a substantial footing within a deep-sided cut of 13th century date and a second phase represented by wall bases constructed from rough Reigate stone and chalk blocks. The presence of a brick hearth within the body of one of these walls suggests a later 14th or 15th century date, pre-dating the standing remains and lying to the south of the previously understood limits of the castle.

South Holmwood Brickworks, Newdigate Road, Newdigate

Strip, map and sample by J Wright of COT revealed two pits and two linear features, and recovered a small quantity of probable Mesolithic flint from the top of the natural substrate. One of the pits was similar to examples investigated in an adjoining area in 2011 thought likely to be tree-throw hollows resulting from tree clearance in the Late Bronze Age or Early Iron Age. The second pit is also likely to be the remains of a tree-throw hollow but probably of recent origin.

Land at Cherkley Court, near Leatherhead

Evaluation and excavation by I Hogg of ASE following evaluation and a geophysical survey undertaken by WA in 2011 and 2012. Intense activity in the Late Bronze Age was recorded in two isolated pockets of the site. The corner of a rectilinear enclosure was recorded close to an area of pitting, probably the remains of quarrying and grain storage, although the main focus of the Bronze Age activity was in the east of the site where 147 postholes provided evidence for seven or eight post-built structures.


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