Mole Valley

Box Hill School, Mickleham

Evaluation by trial trenching in advance of new building, by T Champion and J Robinson of SCAU for Box Hill School, identified three rows of postholes. The depth at which the postholes were found suggests that they are not recent in origin, although no dating evidence was recovered.

Former Dorking Bus Garage

Evaluation by trial trenching prior to redevelopment on the suspected route of the London to Chichester Roman road, by Graham Hayman of SCAU for St George Developments Ltd, did not reveal any features of archaeological interest. Observation of car park construction by S P Dyer for SCAU and St George Developments Ltd did not reveal anything of archaeological interest. (279)

Young Street, Leatherhead

Resistivity survey and site watching by S P Dyer for SCAU and SCC of car park and access road construction in an area where the SyAS historic landscape survey had recorded RB pottery and evidence for medieval or later cultivation. Nothing of archaeological interest was noted. (278)


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