Mole Valley

General: Abinger-Holmbury

Report by D J Field and K Winser of fieldwalking project on a transect 1km by 10km set across the geological grain. Nearly 200ha of woodland were walked; particularly noted were a large number of quarries on the Hythe Beds. It is suggested that some could be early, perhaps RB. Systematic walking of nearly 100ha of ploughed land produced an estimated 25,000 pieces of flint coming from throughout the area. (230) Pottery suggesting a RB occupation site was discovered in the Abinger area; only sandstone blocks and a few sherds were found on the known villa site.

Bocketts Farm and Thorncroft area, Leatherhead

Report on detailed fieldwalking of 96ha (237 acres) by S P Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A thin scatter of worked flint was found throughout the area; mostly Neolithic with some Mesolithic and some BA. Sherds of Neolithic and BA pottery were also found. Aerial photographic evidence shows that the higher ground around Bocketts Farm is covered by a Celtic field system, perhaps to be associated with the known occupation site at Hawks Hill, but no Iron Age pottery has yet been found.

Manor House, Stoke D'Abernon

Reconsideration by G Corti of the supposed RB building at this site. The flower beds were carefully searched and no RB material was found. It is suggested that the RB material built into the church may have come from the Chatley Farm villa, which may have presented a good 'quarry', not far down river, when it was eroding into the Mole. (248)


Report by Judie English of platforms and leats surviving as earthworks. They may mark the proposed gunpowder mills at Abinger Hammer which were abandoned after the building application was turned down in 1791. (SIHG 60; see SyAC 81, 91-95)

Norbury Park

Continuation of work led by Steve Dyer and Judie English for the SyAS Surrey Historic Landscapes Project Team. A floated meadow system has been recorded. (255)

Anstiebury Hill Camp

Further evaluation of the interior of the scheduled hillfort by G N Hayman for SCAU and English Heritage, to decide whether re-afforestation should be allowed. A number of pits and a ditch were found; the finds largely consisted of late IA pottery, with occasional Roman period sherds. (259; see report in SyAC 94, 191-207)


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