
Flexford, Guildford

Four seasons of excavation directed by D Calow of SyAS, following magnetometry and earlier trial trenching. A V-shaped Roman ditch, 2m wide x 1.2m deep, running east--west at the northern end of the site was found to continue into the neighbouring field where there was a second ditch alongside it on a slightly different alignment. The ditches may form the northern boundary of the Roman site. A Roman furnace was located that was similar to two previously identified, and which had an unusual 2m-long gully leading to the hearth.

20 Bury Fields, Guildford

Watching brief by R Humphrey and K Bower of PCA revealed evidence for post-medieval agricultural activity in the form of a possible ploughsoil, together with several post-medieval features indicative of occupation including a brick soakaway and clay-lined pit possibly for the retention of liquids.

Weir House, Millmead, Guildford

Oxford Archaeology (OA) has carried out a programme of investigation and recording at Weir House in Guildford, Surrey, a Grade II Listed Building owned by the National Trust and situated in a Conservation Area. The house is in good condition and currently inhabited by tenants. The work is in advance of any possible changes that may be proposed in the future so that informed conservation recommendations can be made for practical and effective management that will not compromise the buildings special features and overall historic value.

St Mary's Church, Guildford

Although no significant archaeological remains were identified during the preliminary Phase 1 watching brief works the Phase 2 works partially exposed two articulated skeletons which were preserved in-situ. The works also revealed two brick culverts. The investigation of the straw and organic material in the roof structure was of interest. The straw appears to have been used as a packing material rather than being traces of a former thatched roof and its use in this way appears to be very unusual.


Test pitting by C Hayward of SyAS recovered medieval pottery from several gardens, together with a small amount of Roman pottery, adding to evidence for settlement in the Roman period.


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