
Cuckoo Farm, West Clandon

Evaluation by A Taylor of TVAS. Two distinct clusters of pits and postholes were revealed. One cluster produced material dating to the Middle Bronze Age and included fragments of urns from the subsoil suggesting the former presence of a cremation cemetery in the area. The second cluster of features did not produce conclusive dating evidence. A third area of the site contained evidence for a more dispersed series of features, which were dated to the Early Bronze Age, Iron Age and possibly Saxon periods, as well as a series of undated linear features.

Old Riding Stables, Send

Evaluation by R Lambert of SCAU. A small cluster of features including pits, possible tree-throw holes and a gully was revealed in a distinct area adjacent to Send Hill. Three of these contained small quantities of possibly residual prehistoric flint, but little of conclusive dating value. However, a shallow pit and a posthole were found to contain pottery of a Saxon date. The comparative rarity of Saxon features in any context in Surrey renders these discoveries significant and the area worthy of further investigation.

Titan Sheds, Blacksmith Lane, Chilworth

Historic building recording by A Williamson of ASE. Two structures were recorded prior to their demolition. Both buildings were located within an area where gunpowder manufacture on the Chilworth Gunpowder Mills site had originated in the 17th century. However, later development had apparently removed any evidence of such early activity and the site and structures fell outside the area of the Scheduled Monument.


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