Observation of the excavation of a series of test pits by R Poulton of SCAU in advance of proposals to create a road crossing over the Epsom to Waterloo railway revealed evidence of extensive modern development.
Evaluation and excavation by J Stevenson of ASE in advance of the construction of a new school. Detailed analysis is not yet complete, but preliminary results suggest that the truncated linear features revealed may represent field systems or other agricultural activity, provisionally of Bronze Age date. Postholes and a small number of pits probably represent temporary shelters/structures and associated activity rather than a main settlement.
Evaluation by J Stevenson of ASE in advance of residential redevelopment of the hospital revealed evidence of some modern truncation but no finds or features of archaeological interest.
Watching brief by N Shaikhley of SCAU during easement stripping and excavation of a new pipe trench revealed no finds or features of archaeological interest.