Watching brief by N Cowlard and S Nelson of EEHAS revealed a chalk layer that appeared to have been a levelling for a previous outbuilding, but no finds of archaeological interest.
Second season of excavation led by H Sheldon of BC and J Cotton of EEHAS, on an area of higher ground overlooking the Roman settlement of Ewell and Stane Street and where traces of Roman activity were located in the 1970s. Four trenches were opened in a line running north–south between those excavated in 2006.
Watching brief by M Sims of OA did not reveal any finds or features of archaeological interest, and no continuation of the deposits recorded during the 2003 excavation of the Glyn House site was observed
Watching brief by N Cowlard of EEHAS during development where much of the groundworks proposed had already been completed did not reveal any finds or features of archaeological interest.
Evaluation by J Langthorne, and a watching brief during geotechnical works by K Bower, both of PCA, revealed evidence of extensive past truncation and no finds or features of archaeological interest.