Watching brief by V Bernardi of FA in the area where a ‘toothed’ wooden artefact had been recovered during evaluation in 2011 did not reveal any finds or features of archaeological interest.
Watching brief by S Stevens of ASE during the excavation of a cable trench within the Scheduled hillfort revealed evidence of modern disturbance but no finds or features of archaeological interest.
Excavation by M Saywood of SCAU within the bounds of the former Oatlands Palace. The tops of two walls were revealed; the first belonged to the counterscarp wall of the moat of the late 15th century manor, and the second a pier of the north bridge wing added by Henry VIII in 1537–8. A pit containing demolition rubble, undoubtedly originating from the destroyed Palace, was also revealed.
Evaluation by S Maher and R Humphry of PCA, continuing work from 2012, revealed pits and postholes likely to relate to domestic occupation that fronted Monument Hill, together with garden walls and boundary features all of 18th or 19th century date and clearly represented on contemporary maps.
Photographic survey and watching brief by K Bower of PCA on a section of the Railway Straight prior
to overlay resurfacing revealed details of the track construction and repair to the Scheduled racetrack.