

The address of our registered office is:


Surrey Archaeological Society
Research Centre
Hackhurst Lane
Abinger Hammer

The phone number in Abinger is :  01306 731275

Our email address is:


The office in Abinger Hammer is usually staffed as follows:

Monday: 10:00am-4:00pm
Tuesday: 10:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday : Closed

Closed: Bank Holidays 

Our Library is also situated in our Abinger Research Centre. Arrangements for visiting the Library can be found here.

Honorary Officers:

The following officers may be contacted at the above address:

Deputy Chair:  Miss Emma Corke
Secretary: Mr D Calow
Treasurer: Mr M A Edwards, FCA
Librarian: Ms C Pittman
Editors: Mrs A C Graham; Ms S J Hill; Mr J Pile
Newsletter Editor: Dr A Sassin