This volume brings together papers in memory of David Wynn Williams. David was an active member of Surrey Archaeological Society from a young age and made a substantial contribution to the archaeology of Surrey over many years. With a background in graphic design he was a talented artist and an accomplished draughtsman. In 2003 David became the Portable Antiquities Scheme's Finds Liaison Officer for Surrey. David died very unexpectedly in December 2017. In February 2019 a conference was held at the Surrey History Centre in Woking, where colleagues and friends presented a series of papers relating to their experiences of working with and alongside David. It was felt that a fitting tribute to David would be to publish these papers in a volume which also includes an introduction to his substantial art portfolion as well as some personal tributes.
This volume is available from www.surreycc.gov.uk/scau
Price £20 + £3.50 p&p