A trip to the Isle of Wight to visit Newport and Brading Roman villas is planned for 29th September. The programme is below and if you are interested please contact John Felton -
The cost of entrance to the villas and a cup of tea or coffee at each venue is £14.50 per adult, or £13.75 per senior which will be collected in advance. You are responsible for making your own way to the venues, and for booking your own ferry tickets.
Date: September 29th 2018
9:00 | 9:45 | Ferry to IoW (approx 45 min) |
10:00 | 10:30 | Travelling (approx 17 min) |
10:30 | 12:00 | Newport Roman Villa (Cypress Road Newport, PO30 1AH) Opening times: 10:30 to 16:00 Entry £3.50 (seniors £3.00), Group of 10 £3 inc guide, tea/coffee |
| Travelling (approx 8 min) |
12:30 | 14:00 | Lunch (Hare & Hounds, Downend, PO30 2NU. 01983 523446) |
| Travelling (approx 10 min) |
14:30 | 16:30 | Brading Roman Villa (Morton Old Road, Brading, PO36 0PH, SatNav use PO36 0EN) Opening times: 10:00 to 17:00 Entry £9.50 (seniors £8.75), Group of 10-25 inc guide £8.75 (seniors £8.25) Tea/coffee and biscuits £2 |
| Travelling (approx 20 min) |
18:00 |
| Ferry to Portsmouth (approx 45 min) |